Your Guarantee of High Results

As you might have already known, our custom service is designed for writing profound dissertations (carried out by PhD experts). Moreover, we write other types of academic pieces such as essays, term papers, theses, reports and many others, as well (including non-standard).
Every paper is written from scratch by a native English-speaking expert who holds a proper MA diploma (PhD for dissertation writing) and has relevant background knowledge in a required subject field. When the job is done, you receive a custom-tailored, edited and proofread piece. If you need to amend it a little bit, FREE revisions are yours within 14 days after the paper is accomplished.
You are going to receive at least 95% plagiarism-free (which is academically acceptable margin) paper. Its content is going to be totally original and authentic. Full of fresh ideas, captivating information, and credible data, your paper could impress any supervisor. Our experts use Copyscape and run every accomplished paper through it. Plagiarism report is always provided to those students who require it.
Timing at is always due. Only 3% of missed deadlines are a remarkable achievement which leaves other services dragging far behind. Moreover, in 40% of all cases, papers are delivered to customers BEFORE the deadline, so they could read it through and cover their crucial points. Do you have a burning deadline? No problem, our specialists will cope with it too!
Stay incognito from the very first time you visit our service and right till you download a finalized piece. Personal information about clients and their payment details is always kept in secret. As a matter of fact, the database of our clients is the cornerstone of our whole work and the source of our income. We are definitely not going to share it with anyone!
Shall you be dissatisfied with the level of services received from us or the quality of your paper, we’ll return your money back! Full Refund is given to every student who happens to cancel the order and refuses to continue with the writing process. The truth is that we’d better give your money back than lose you as a customer. Loyalty is the most important thing in any business. Therefore, your back is always covered both academically and financially speaking!
24/7 Support
We have a support team working 24/7 ready to give your issue concerning the order their immediate attention. If you have any questions about the ordering process, communication with the writer, payment options, feel free to join live chat. Be sure to get a fast response. They can also give you the exact price quote, taking into account the timing, desired academic level of the paper, and the number of pages.