Assignment Help

The rest of the world will think you do all these great assignments by yourself.
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professional writers
  • 10 Years in Writing
  • 97% Orders Delivered on
  • 9/10 Report Better
  • 3,500+ Experts on Our
Forget stress
and routine
Professional academic writers with Master’s and Doctorate degrees will do your essay in <6 hours.
Top writers in your SUBJECTS
Professional academic writers with Master’s and Doctorate degrees will do your essay in <6 hours.
Creative writing
Busines & Management
  • essay expert
    Elyot Mitchell
    Marketing & Management
    486 orders | 245 customer reviews
Our Guarantees
Zero plagiarism
Your assignment will be written from scratch. Every paper is double-checked for plagiarism and grammar mistakes on completion.
Timely delivery
All orders arrive in time. Note that nearly 60% of assignments are done before the deadline. We accept last-moment orders, too.
100% anonymity
No one will find out about you using our service. The whole world will think you write all assignments by yourself!
24/7 support
We’ve got you covered via Customer Support hotline, Live Chat, and Facebook Messenger. Contact us and get expert help now!
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PayForEssay is one of the few companies with a verified money-back guarantee.
SAVE $35 worth of additional services
  • FREE Title page
  • FREE APA/MLA/Chicago formatting
  • FREE Bibliography/Table of contents
  • FREE E-mail delivery
  • FREE Unlimited revisions
  • FREE Proofreading
  • FREE Communication with a writer
  • FREE 24/7 Customer Support
Special 10% discount on your first order
Order process
1. Fill out the order form fields, telling us what kind of paper you need. Upload a file with detailed instructions.
2. Pay for your paper using any of the available methods, Visa, and MasterCard. We’ll match you with a topic-relevant writer.
3. Log in to your customer area on the site and download your new plagiarism-free paper, when the deadline comes.
Real-time customer reviews
See why 11K students have chosen us as their sole writing assistance provider.
Amazing writing
As we always do! Don't hesitate to request the same writer to work on your next orders as well :)
i really enjoyed your service, very professional and secure keep up the good work :)
We appreciate your feedback!
paper done to specifications. Thanks
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The Best Assignment Help from Local Canadian Writers

In high schools, colleges and universities, students have to deal with various writing tasks, from comparatively uncomplicated essays and compositions to extended course papers and case studies. Frankly, many scholars admit that the workload at colleges and unis is too overwhelming and stressful. To cope with endless writing projects, your Canadian classmates have to put much spare time and efforts while cutting off social life and relationships for the sake of education. In the majority of disciplines, professors primarily rely on writing tasks. This constitutes the core of assessment and directly influences students’ grades. That’s why closer to the end of the term, the tension from this or that college assignment rapidly grows to anxiety. Students just can’t handle the pressure in their free time.

It is when students from all parts of Canada start looking for agencies that will do assignments for them. And this is the time when Canadian students have to choose between thousands of companies that will probably help them. is an agency that specializes in assignment writing help and does a remarkable job of assisting students in revealing their potential.

  • Hand-selected Canadian copyists across 50+ subjects.
  • Texts made according to customer’s instructions, from A to Z.
  • Authentic content, free from plagiarism.
  • On-time delivery of all projects with a possibility of revision.

There is no one better than us in creating unquestionable texts for students from all Canadian colleges and universities.

Enjoy the Relief | PayForEssay.Net Does Assignment Writing

Students are so good at telling off each other’s secrets and spreading rumours about exams. That’s why there are many superstitions, prejudices and, of course, concerns as to the issue of writing tasks. Some say that you may be held back a year for not earning enough grades for essays, lab papers and alike. Others fear to be expelled for poor citing, paraphrasing or copying in their compositions. So, if you pop the question about the necessity of college assignment help, Canadian students will unanimously agree that there is a need for such services.

Our agency has been providing Canadian students with support in doing writing homework for nearly 10 years. We have done it all: descriptive essays, term papers, book reviews, statistics projects, dissertations and far more! That’s why we know the best formula for a victorious composition of any complexity.

  • We handle ALL types of writing assignments for high schools, colleges, undergraduates, Master and Doctoral levels.
  • We can also assist students in preparing documents necessary for a successful job search: resumes, CVs, cover letters and more.
  • We can compose winning papers for admission to any university, for instance, application or admission essays.
  • We can edit the texts you have created and tailor them to the highest academic writing standards.

Not a single text is problematic for our writers as they are high-ranking certified Canadian copywriters who have 3+ years of writing experience, exceptional talent and interest in content creation and perfect knowledge of a particular discipline. Our Writing Department consists of 1,300+ experts who assist students in producing non-plagiarized content full of fresh ideas and zero errors.

Do My Assignment at the Lowest Rate!

When students in Canada buy assignment online, they surely think about the price. Money is important, and we can understand the fuss. It rarely happens when during the years of schooling, students can afford themselves to buy everything they want.

When the order is made with our company, we guarantee you that:

  • The prices will be budget-friendly.

It is hard to be economical when you need literally everything at the store. We make it possible for our clients to both pay for their assignments and do not feel discomfort for overpaying. Our agency harmonizes quality of the copy and its cost. Therefore, the price of each order is individual and depends on the range of factors, such as urgency, length, extra paid features. Please note that before transferring money to us, you see the exact amount of finances to be paid.

  • You will receive FREE features.
  • A private chat with the expert

Communication with your writer is free of charge. It is totally safe as we protect it with SSL encryption.

  • A bibliography

Our penmen generate a reference section of your composition for nothing. We create it based on the manual of a citation format you have chosen when ordering. Here, we can include up to 100 sources.

  • A cover page

A title page is not included in your bill. We write and organize it following the norms of the picked citation style free of charge.

  • Amendments

A project that was completed by our copywriters can be additionally reviewed and changed. Simply request free limitless revisions within 14-30 calendar days after its finalization.

  • Order tracking

In your personal account, you can monitor the status of your project that’s completed by our expert. We do not charge any costs for that, so feel free to make use of this option.

  • Formatting

We provide free formatting of the whole document in such citation styles: APA, Harvard, OSCOLA, Turabian, MLA, Chicago.

  • A top writer

Our clients can assign a preferred writer in their subject to write their papers for free. P.S. A preferred writer is a person who has already completed client’s orders.

  • We’ll make sure you get the reward.

As a way to say thank you for trusting us, we have established a reward system that satisfies both our regular and new customers.

  • For our regulars, we have created a Bonus Balance. It is a place in your account with where we send 5% of each order you make with us. This Loyalty Programme saves your money and presupposes that you will collect bonuses and use them for your next orders with our agency.
  • Students, who use our service for the first time, receive a 15% reduction in price for their first order. This is a fixed discount that is included in the final receipt.

Are you worried about sending money to us? Relax, we are official partners with PayPal, MasterCard and Visa. All financial operations are completely safe and transparent. We can not have access to your bank account under any circumstances. Your feedback and further usage of our services are vital, so rest assured that we’re reliable.

Buy Assignment | Rapid Service

Wherever you are — in Toronto, Quebec, Vancouver, Ontario, Saskatoon or other cities in Canada, our assignment service will take care of your writings before the due date hits.

To achieve timeliness, we take the following actions:

  • Make sure our experts are perfect at time management.

We put our writers-to-be in the conditions when they need to finalize specific projects within an urgent deadline. Such tests let us see whether our possible team member can cope with tight due dates while producing flawless content.

  • Enable quick communication with our experts.

Should you have any issues regarding your papers, feel free to get in touch with a copyist completing your project using our private chat. This is a secure space for messaging with your writer in real time. Thus, our customers can always upload additional instructions or understand what is going on with their order. It’s an excellent way to ensure customer’s recommendations correspond with the vision of our copywriter.

  • Make the process of ordering as easy and fast as it can be.

We offer a simplistic ordering procedure. No registration. No waste of time. All clients have access to their personal accounts with us after the submission of their first order. The information to visit their customer area is emailed to them. Our clients can place an order right at our website or with the help of their Facebook Messenger App. If you’re using Facebook for ordering, contact our Customer Support Representative and clarify your writing needs via text messages. In case you utilize our order form, just submit it. Afterward, pay the fee for our work. In both cases, the time spent on ordering does not exceed 7 minutes.

  • Support all clients via phone, email, SMS, chat and message board.

At times when there is a service-related issue bothering you or you need to get quick answers to your questions, communicate with our Support Team. They work around-the-clock and are available online. Request a callback if there are some problems with the internet connection or you want us to reach out to you.

Catapult your grades for writing with our online assignment help and spend the tons of spare time the way you’ve always wanted!