How to Order an Essay: 3 Easy Steps

Just keep on reading. You’ll find out that it’s an easy process that only takes 5 minutes to complete!
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Order process
1. Fill out the order form fields, telling us what kind of paper you need. Upload a file with detailed instructions.
2. Pay for your paper using any of the available methods, Visa, and MasterCard. We’ll match you with a topic-relevant writer.
3. Log in to your customer area on the site and download your new plagiarism-free paper, when the deadline comes.
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Why Use Your Order Form to Get Essays?

If you want to place a custom essay order, it’s the most convenient way on our platform. Of course, you can order your essay from us via phone or through webchat. However, the order form is the best!

Having an online form bundles all of the processes for ordering essays together makes it much quicker.

We’ve researched different forms online and created one that has the following features:

  • Doesn’t overwhelm you;
  • Is easy-to-understand;
  • Can be filled out quickly;
  • Doesn’t require irrelevant information.

Due to these reasons, we’ve split our process into 3 main steps. Let’s go over them so that you’d be prepared to fill it out.

Step 1: Picking Work Type and Deadline

During this step, as you order an essay online, you will be entering the task information and your personal info. The former is required for our system to create an assignment ticket on the platform and pick out relevant writers.

Your personal info is needed for us to create your account. Don’t worry. You don’t have to disclose any more information than your email and phone.

With the handy dropdown lists, pick the correct Type of Work, Subject, and Urgency. If you can’t find a relevant type of work or subject for your assignment, choose “Other.” A platform’s administrator will find an appropriate and qualified expert for you on their own.

As you order an essay online cheap, you have to choose the academic level of the paper and the number of required pages. Note that we count 250 words as a page of academic content.


Because properly formatted academic essays with double-space usually have 250 words on a page.

Lastly, you’ll have to type in your email and phone. Don’t worry about the service provider or even if you’re outside Canada. We work internationally and will have no problems with contacting you.

Don’t forget to agree with our Terms and Conditions and Privacy Policy. Without doing it, you won’t be able to continue.

Order Summary

As you order a custom essay on the platform, you can always check the summary on the right-hand side. It has a built-in price calculator. So, whatever number you’ll see on it after filling out the form is exactly what you’ll pay.

Additionally, you can enter a promo code there to decrease the total.

Step 2: Uploading Comprehensive Instructions

Your order of writing an essay is definitely not completed yet. The general information you entered early is more for our system. The instruction will be the deciding information for the essay writing expert.

Here, you type in the topic and include the specific details of your essay assignment. We must ask you to be precise and direct in your instructions — leave no room for interpretation. The experts will complete the essay exactly how you described it in the instructions. So, being specific in instructions always pays off for the customer.

Also, you can add supplementary files for the expert to use. Your coursebooks, relevant articles — upload whatever you think can help the academic professional. By making the expert’s job easier, you’re ensuring that you’ll love the finished result.

Academic References Formatting

You can order an essay cheap and specify the required number of sources for absolutely free. Just enter the amount, and the experts will find enough sources.

The experts are seasoned academics. They can format your essay in any formatting style you need.

Step 3: Making Use of Our Service Benefits

The last step with your order of an essay is choosing the extra service feature.

We have the following offerings:

  • Plagiarism report;
  • Source texts;
  • High-priority status;
  • Extra proofreading and checking;
  • 30% draft;
  • 1-page summary.

For your essay order, consider all the options and decide whether you need any of them. The vast majority of the customers on our essay writing service orders at least 2 extra services. After you pick the services, you can finish your order up by pressing “Secure Checkout.”

Fill Out the Order Form Now!

Now that you know how to go about ordering through our form, get yourself a well-written essay.

Rely on us to deal with your academic load and take some time off for yourself!